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首頁 » 生活資訊 News » 染色牢度的概念 Color fastness concept

染色牢度的概念 Color fastness concept

生活資訊 News - 2014/5/6





1. 日曬牢度

2. 洗滌牢度

3. 摩擦牢度

4. 汗漬牢度

5. 熨燙牢度

6. 昇華牢度


Color fastness concept
Color fastness is the quality requirement for dyed and printed fabrics. Because dyed fabrics may be tarnished or discolored due to light, sweat, rubbing, washing, ironing, etc. during wearing and storage, thereby affecting the aesthetic appearance of the fabric or garment. The nature or extent of the staining state variation can be expressed by the color fastness. The dyeing fastness of the fabric is related to the fiber type, yarn structure, fabric structure, printing and dyeing method, dye type and external force.
Can be divided into light fastness, washing or soaping fastness, rubbing fastness, perspiration fastness, ironing fastness and liter
1. Light fastness
Light fastness refers to the degree to which a colored fabric is discolored by sunlight. The test method can be carried out by using both sunlight and sunlight. The degree of fading of the sample after exposure is compared with the standard color sample, which is divided into 8 grades, 8 grades are the best, and grade 1 is the worst. Fabrics with poor light fastness should not be exposed to sunlight for a long time, and should be placed in a ventilated place to dry.
2. Wash fastness
Washing or soaping fastness refers to the degree of color change of the dyed fabric after washing with washing liquid. Gray graded sample cards are usually used as the evaluation standard, that is, the color difference after fading of the sample and the sample is used for evaluation. Washing fastness is divided into 5 grades, 5 grades are the best, and grade 1 is the worst. The fabric with poor washing fastness should be dry-cleaned. If wet washing is carried out, it is necessary to pay more attention to the washing conditions, such as the washing temperature should not be too high, and the time should not be too long.
3. Rubbing fastness
The rubbing fastness refers to the degree of discoloration of the dyed fabric after rubbing, and can be divided into dry friction and wet friction. The rubbing fastness is based on the degree of white cloth staining. It is divided into 5 grades (1~5). The larger the value, the better the rubbing fastness. The service life of fabrics with poor rubbing fastness is limited.
4. Perspiration fastness
Perspiration fastness refers to the degree of discoloration of the dyed fabric after it has been immersed in sweat. Perspiration fastness Because the artificially prepared sweat composition is not the same, it is generally combined with other color fastness to evaluate it. The perspiration fastness is divided into 1~5 grades. The bigger the value, the better.
5. Ironing fastness
Ironing fastness refers to the degree of discoloration or fading that occurs when dyed fabrics are ironed. This degree of discoloration and fading is assessed by the iron staining of other fabrics at the same time. The ironing fastness is divided into 1~5 grades, 5 grades are the best, and grade 1 is the worst. When testing the ironing fastness of different fabrics, the test iron temperature should be selected.
6. Sublimation fastness
Sublimation fastness refers to the degree of sublimation of dyed fabrics during storage. Sublimation fastness The gray grading sample card is used to evaluate the discoloration, fading and white cloth staining of the fabric after dry hot pressing treatment. It is divided into 5 grades, 1 grade is the worst, and 5 grades are the best.
The dyeing fastness of normal fabrics is generally required to reach 3 to 4 to meet the needs of wearing.