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首頁 » 生活資訊 News » 壓克力棉 Acrylic cotton

壓克力棉 Acrylic cotton

生活資訊 News - 2014/5/6

Artificial sweater: labeled as "Acrylic" or "Acrylic yarn" This is a woven yarn composed of such rayon.
Acrylic yarn is a man-made fiber invented by the characteristics of wool, so the appearance and the touch are very similar to wool, but the clothes made of acrylic yarn are not as warm as wool, and have poor moisturizing properties; In the winter, it is easy to generate static electricity, so that we will have a squeaky sound when we wear clothes.
Cotton-cotton fiber is soft and sweat-absorbent, but it will deteriorate after frequent exposure. The main component is cellulose, which is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Wool - has elasticity, so the softness can be restored to its original shape after being bent or overlapped, and the toughness is larger than that of silk cotton. The main components are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and the wool is burned by the protein of nitrogen and sulfur. It will curl and deform and emit a pungent odor of the sulphide, while the nitric acid will turn yellow.
Acrylic fiber - refers to acrylic cotton, is an acrylonitrile polymer, also known as artificial wool, with good conformability and wool feel, light texture and warm but durable, there will be static and hair ball problems.
The performance of acrylic cotton is very similar to wool and has good elasticity. It is bulky and soft, and it is warmer than wool. It is called synthetic wool.
Acrylic cotton and wool are blended into wool and then made into clothes. In addition to the warmth of wool, it can also have fluffy and soft characteristics.